The One Eyed Demon Of Ramapo
By Fox Tammany

TOC - Table Of Contents

Chapter 01: The Demon Past The Gate

Chapter 01:
The Demon Past The Gate 

Just past the entrance gate to a large hiking trail system you find this gnarly tree 'carving' that looks like some kind of weird 'demon' that is standing there and watching who enters. This first chapter is dedicated to showing you this tree carving.
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Chapter 02: The Demon On The River

Chapter 02A:
The Demon By The River

Resting on it's riverside perch this next 'demonic' tree growth carving seems to be waiting for someone to come by, looking into the trail rather then at the river. Made of mostly a large mass of tree rot it has enough character to have its own section.
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Chapter 02B: The Demon On The Trail

Chapter 02B:
The Demon On The Trail 

Laying low and waiting for ambush this next rotten tree stump is sure to leave the average hiker with nightmares. The even more scary part is that this time the demon looks more like a human with sunglasses and a serious face.
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Chapter 03: Red Haze And Light Phenomenon

Chapter 03:
Red Haze And Light Phenomenon

This chapter illustrates something important that is happening in a specific section of the forrest so I wanted to place it here next to keep you interested. The red and orange haze along with flashes and sounds is sure to amaze as well as enlighten.
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Chapter 04: Symbolic Tree Growth Carvings

Chapter 04:
The Symbolic Tree Carving That Sparked This Documentary

Some time in 2014 I stumbled upon a strange carving that I believed for a long time was UFO related. That carving ended up leading me to investigate further and then create this documentary film and website.
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Chapter 05: The Demon's UFO Deception

Chapter 05:
The Demon's UFO Deception

This chapter comes from an old clip with a legit UFO sighting that adds an interesting twist to how this documentary came to be. Was it Aliens or something else?
Coming Soon ...

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