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The One Eyed Demon Of Ramapo is a long project in the making that's sure to rock the paranormal research world. I've spent many days shooting videos and photos in this area of the forrest and many nights trying to figure out what to do with all the footage.

After years of trying to put together exactly what is happening I finally did and then I came up with a format I felt best served the purpose of displaying the info to the audience. This documentary style website is that format; simple design like a newspaper article with lots of great photos and some videos.

I hope you enjoy my work and come to appreciate what I've found out about this secret gem of the paranormal world. You can show support for my work by clicking one of the links below.

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Knights Templar 2020 .Org is a website that I created for a few reasons. At present time I am writing articles about the UA war and also trying to start my own battalions. Later on however the site will be dedicated to various charities, art, free writing and more.

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War Ethics For The 21st Century

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